Sunday, August 07, 2005

Price Matching (1)

Price matching is something that I do fairly often. If another store sells the EXACT item cheaper, then we'll match that price to keep the sale. However, I need some kind of proof that the item at the other store is actually cheaper than us, as our prices are very competitive. It's easy when the customer brings in a recent receipt from the other store or an ad from the paper. When they expect me to *trust them* that our price is more expensive, that's where the trouble begins. I have to call the "cheaper" store to verify the price.

One time I called and the other store was more expensive than us. I told the customer that, and she said that I didn't call that store in {a certain city} 3 hours away! I told her that we match prices within a drivable distance and that if she wants the item, she can drive the 3 hours and buy it at that store. (I said it a little nicer than that, though.) She bought it from us.

Another lady dug a receipt out of her purse because we were more expensive than another store she sometimes shops at. Sure, I'll match the price. When I rang up the items, I found that they were on sale such that they were cheaper than the other store. Still want me to match the other store's price?

Internet selling makes things even more complicated. Internet stores have fewer employees than retail stores, lower rent and upkeep costs, no shoplifting, lower insurance costs, etc. etc. etc. In other words, they can sell stuff cheaper. Ebay further complicates things because some items are used or wholesale or otherwise not what you'd find in a retail store.

Next time, more on price matching.

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