Friday, August 05, 2005

Normality Quiz

Here's a quiz to see how normal you are. Don't worry, it's short.

1. Which item does not belong?
A. apple
B. couch
C. banana
D. orange

2. What category do the following items belong to?
dog, cat, rabbit, fish

If you answered "banana" and "cooking utensils," you think like an astounding 10% of my customers. If you answered "couch" and "pets," congratulations, you're normal!

You've got to wonder how some people's minds work. Stores tend to sell related items, but many people can't seem to group items appropriately in their minds.

Let's pretend I work at a card shop. People will ask, "Do you sell tires?" What planet are you from?! What card shop have you heard of that sells tires??? Other people will ask, "Do you sell cards?" Hmm........let me think about that for a minute. That's the hardest question I've had all day. Oh, yeah, we do! In fact, about a thousand of them are right in front of you!


Anonymous said...

Normality is far from being the same thing as sanity. This quiz is not only inaccurate and uninforming, it is also irrelevant to its title.

Anonymous said...

Normality and sanity are two very different subjects. Your quiz is not only innacurate and uninformative, it is also irrelevent to its title.