Thursday, May 18, 2006


We got a surprise visit from the fire marshall. Was this guy ever strange! When I saw him coming I got the attention of another manager across the store, pointed the official out, and mouthed a few key words to get her started fixing something that we routinely do that we shouldn't.

I distracted him while she took care of that, yet he still found a violation. The violation was, THANK GOD, something that people at the store level have absolutely no control of nor responsibility for. He also made a few suggestions for improvements, but nothing that was legally required.

Had it been busy or had I not seen him, then both Boss and I would have been in trouble (from our company, not the fire department).....her as the store manager for permitting the improper behavior and me as the manager on duty for, basically, permitting the improper behavior on my shift.

We'll have to be on our best behavior until they come to re-inspect. Then it's back to normal. After all, how often do they come? Every third year or something? Well maybe a little more often than that, but....who follows the rules all the time, anyway?

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