Thursday, July 14, 2005


An enlightening quote:

Keep in mind that many people who experience sexual harassment and feel uncomfortable may initially not recognize the behavior as sexual harassment. Often there is a tendency on the part of the person who experienced the behavior and others she may tell about it to minimize or deny the behavior by saying "I'm sure he didn't really mean it," or "It's really no big deal," or "I must be imagining this."

So that's what that was. I guess that means an awkward talk with my boss tomorrow. More details later when I see how my company deals with it.

UPDATE: My boss handled it even better than I expected. She also agreed with my initial thinking that I needed to take it on up the line to her boss. I don't expect as good a response from her, so I'm going in armed with what I've recently learned about the law. But who knows, the big boss might surprise me.

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