Thursday, September 22, 2005

Goodbye, but we won't miss you.

This post is about the sort-of manager (I have more authority than her but if there are no other managers in the building then she's in charge). This is the same girl who thinks she should have my job and we've had problems with each other ever since I was promoted.

She came in yesterday really upset….her long-term boyfriend broke up with her. I offered to let her go home, even though I really needed her to work. She declined because given the circumstances she needed the money even more than normal. You see, she both lives in her boyfriend's house and drives her boyfriend's car. Now that they're no longer together, she has to find a place to live and transportation. She's already not the greatest money manager in the world. She complains about not having money, yet buys snacks at the corner store (not the cheapest place) practically every day. I was on the verge of sending her home several times throughout the day but she got herself together enough to do a little work.

I felt really bad for her situation, but she always makes things so dramatic. "There's no reason to live. What am I going to do?" ALL DAY LONG. It was incredibly depressing. I tried to think of ways to help. If it came down to a place to live, she could stay with me TEMPORARILY. Or I could ask around and see if anyone needed a roommate. If she stuck with a strict budget and got a second job she could buy a cheap car. She has options.

By the end of her shift she had decided to quit, so called the store manager to give her two weeks notice. I felt bad for her that she felt that was her only option, but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel somewhat happy that she (and her moodiness) were leaving. All of her second-guessing me and giving me attitude and forgetting to do important things and leaving important faxes where they're least likely to be seen……….all of that is gone.

Today she called the store to say she couldn't finish up the two weeks and she wouldn't be back. This is a girl who had a chance of moving up in the company (a small chance with her attitude and low productivity, but a chance, someday). But to quit without notice like she did, we'll never rehire her. Never. And none of our other stores will ever hire her, either.

She's screwing herself over. She did not think this out. At all. She's taking what she sees as the easy way out in the short-term, but not thinking about the big picture. She supposedly has some rich aunt that she's going to go live with and not have to work but just go to college. She wants to go into the medical profession. Watch out, sick people! She can't even remember to lock the safe at night. She's going to be trusted to give you the right medicine?! "Oops, I forgot. Ha ha ha." I hope she finds the right place for her to be in life, but medicine isn't it.

I get along with all of the remaining managers WELL. We have occasional moments, but for the most part it's friendly disagreements and sarcasm. I like input from my employees, but the remaining managers realize that I have the final say. They listen to me and do what I say and aren't constantly questioning my authority. Things will be much better at work without the sort-of manager. I wish her luck, yet I'm glad she's gone.

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